The Truth About Car Covers from Walmart: Are They Worth It?

Alright, so you're thinking about snagging a car cover from Walmart. They're cheap, easy to find, and seem like a quick solution. But before you drop those bucks, let's break down if a Walmart car cover does the job or if it's just money down the drain.

Why Car Covers Matter

First, let's get one thing straight: car covers aren't just for show. They protect your whip from dust, debris, bird crap, tree sap, and those harsh UV rays that can mess up your paint job. A decent cover can keep prying eyes away from your ride, potentially deterring thieves. The bottom line is that car covers are all about keeping your car looking fresh and maintaining its value.

The Appeal of Walmart Car Covers

Walmart car covers are popular for a few reasons. They're cheap, easy to get your hands on and come in various sizes. Here's why people go for them:

  1. Price: Walmart car covers are budget-friendly. They cost between $20 and $30, which is a deal compared to premium covers.
  2. Convenience: With Walmart everywhere, grabbing a car cover is just a short trip away. Toss one in your cart while doing your grocery run.
  3. Variety: They stock a range of sizes and types, so there's something for almost every vehicle.

The Downside of Walmart Car Covers

But here's the catch: you get what you pay for. Those low prices and easy access come with some serious trade-offs. Let's get into the nitty-gritty:

  1. Material Quality: Most Walmart car covers are made from thin, single-layer materials. They might keep off the dust, but they're not tough enough for heavy weather or long-term use.
  2. Fit and Protection: These covers are usually one-size-fits-all, so they might not fit your car snugly. A loose cover can flap in the wind, causing scratches and exposing parts of your vehicle.
  3. Durability: Cheap materials wear out faster. You might save a few bucks now, but you'll end up replacing the cover more often, which will cost you more in the long run.
  4. Limited Features: These budget covers usually lack high-end features like UV protection, waterproofing, and multiple layers. Without these, your car remains vulnerable to the elements.

Real-Life Implications

Think about it: park your car outside, and a storm hits. Heavy rain, wind, and debris can quickly get through a cheap cover, risking your paint job. Worse, a poorly fitting cover can act like sandpaper, rubbing against your paint and causing damage over time.

Continuous exposure to UV rays can fade your paint, while moisture can lead to rust. Bird droppings and tree sap can cause tough-to-remove stains. Over time, this damage adds up, reducing your car's value and appearance. That's the risk you run with a cheap Walmart cover.

What to Look For in a Car Cover

If you're serious about protecting your ride, here's what you need in a car cover that you might not find at Walmart:

  1. Custom Fit: A cover made specifically for your car's make and model ensures a snug fit, preventing flapping and scratches.
  2. Multi-Layer Protection: Look for layers, including a soft inner lining to protect paint, a waterproof middle layer, and a UV-resistant outer layer.
  3. Breathability: A good cover should allow moisture to escape, preventing mold and mildew.
  4. Durability: High-quality materials that can withstand harsh weather and wear over time.

Why is a Better Option

At, we understand the importance of quality and fit. Here's why our covers kick Walmart's to the curb:

  1. Top-Notch Materials: Our covers have multiple layers of protection against UV rays, water, and debris.
  2. Custom Fit: Tailored to fit your vehicle perfectly, ensuring maximum protection.
  3. Built to Last: Our products are made to last, saving you money over time by reducing the need for frequent replacements.
  4. Customer Support: We offer excellent customer service and support to help you find the right cover for your needs.

Additional Benefits of

  1. Warranty and Guarantees: We back our products with solid warranties, giving you peace of mind.
  2. Easy Returns and Exchanges: Our hassle-free return policy means if you're not satisfied, you can easily exchange or return your cover.
  3. Expert Advice: Our team is always ready to provide advice and recommendations.

Making the Right Choice

Investing in a high-quality car cover is more than just protecting your vehicle; it's about preserving its value and appearance. A cheap cover might seem like a good deal at first, but the potential for damage and frequent replacements can cost you more in the long run.

Choosing a cover from means investing in a product that provides superior protection, durability, and fit. Our covers are built to handle harsh weather conditions, prevent scratches, and keep your car looking its best.

Protection Against the Elements

Cheap car covers from Walmart might offer essential protection, but they're often not up to the task regarding severe weather conditions. Rain, snow, and hail can all wreak havoc on your car's exterior like those from A high-quality car cover is designed to handle these conditions, keeping your car safe from potential damage.

UV Radiation and Paint Protection

One of the biggest threats to your car's paint job is UV radiation from the sun. Extended exposure can cause the paint to fade and deteriorate. Walmart's essential car covers typically lack the UV protection to shield your car effectively.'s premium covers, on the other hand, come with UV-resistant layers that block harmful rays, preserving your car's vibrant color.

Preventing Moisture Buildup

Moisture is another enemy of your car's exterior. Trapped moisture under a poorly fitted car cover can lead to rust and corrosion. Breathable materials allow moisture to escape, preventing mold and mildew buildup. Cheap covers often fail in this regard, while's products ensure your car stays dry and protected.

The Risk of Scratches

A loose-fitting car cover walmart can cause more harm than good. The cover can flap against your car's surface as the wind blows, acting like sandpaper and causing scratches. Walmart covers often don't fit snugly, leaving your car vulnerable. A custom-fit cover from, tailored to your vehicle's specifications, ensures a secure fit that won't cause damage.

Long-Term Cost Implications

While a cheap car cover might save you money upfront, the long-term costs can add up. Frequent replacements, potential damage to your car's paint, and the lack of adequate protection can cost you more than investing in a high-quality cover from the start.'s products, with their durability and comprehensive protection, offer better value over time.

Ease of Use and Maintenance

Another factor to consider is the ease of use and maintenance. Cheap car covers can be cumbersome to put on and take off, often requiring more effort than they're worth.'s covers are designed for convenience, making it easy to cover and uncover your car. Plus, they're easy to clean and maintain, ensuring they last longer and continue to protect your vehicle effectively.

Peace of Mind

Ultimately, choosing a high-quality car cover is about peace of mind. Knowing that a durable, well-fitted cover protects your car means you can rest easy, no matter the weather. offers warranties and excellent customer service, so you're never left in the lurch. It's an investment in your car's longevity and appearance.

Why Your Car Deserves Better Than a Walmart Cover

Picture this: you've got your dream car. You've spent time, money, and effort to get it the way you want. Why would you skimp on something as crucial as a car cover? Here's a deeper dive into why settling for a Walmart car cover could be a big mistake.


How much is a cover for a car?

Car covers can cost a wide range depending on what you're looking for. At Walmart, you're looking at $20-$60 for a basic, single-layer cover. But if you want the real deal, has premium covers starting around $100 and going up to $300 or more. It's more upfront, but the long-term benefits and protection make it worth every penny.

Are cheap car covers worth it?

Let's be honest: cheap car covers give you minimum protection. They might keep dust off, but they lack the durability and comprehensive protection you need for outdoor or harsh weather use. Thin material and a lousy fit can lead to scratches, water damage, and UV damage over time. Spend more on a quality cover, and you'll get better-extended protection.

How long do car covers last?

The lifespan of a car cover depends on its quality and how you use it. A cheap Walmart cover might last a year or less, mainly if you use it outdoors in harsh conditions. On the other hand, a high-quality cover from can last several years, giving you consistent protection against the elements. Take care of it—clean it, store it properly—and you'll extend its life even more.